ESL Ga­ming GmbH

Medien & Journalismus

Logo von ESL Gaming GmbH

ESL Ga­ming is the world's lea­ding esports com­pa­ny. For mo­re than two de­ca­des, we ha­ve be­en shaping the in­dus­try and lea­ding esports and ga­ming in­no­va­ti­on glo­bal­ly across the most po­pu­lar vi­deo ga­mes, crea­ting a com­pre­hen­si­ve eco­sys­tem with op­por­tu­nities for play­ers to go from ze­ro to he­ro, and for fans to wit­ness the best sto­ries esports has to of­fer. Our port­fo­lio con­sists of high-pro­fi­le pro­ducts such as the ESL Pro Tour, In­tel® Ex­tre­me Mas­ters, ESL Mo­bi­le, Dream­Hack Fes­ti­vals, and ma­ny mo­re, ran­ging from grass­roots to glo­bal eli­te com­pe­ti­ti­ons. ESL Ga­ming is part of MTG, the lea­ding in­ter­na­tio­nal di­gi­tal en­ter­tain­ment group. Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on is avail­able at­lga­

ESL Ga­ming is an equal op­por­tu­ni­ty em­ploy­er. We are crea­ting a world whe­re ever­y­bo­dy can be some­bo­dy. We ce­le­bra­te di­ver­si­ty and are com­mit­ted to crea­ting an in­clu­si­ve en­vi­ron­ment for all em­ployees.

Anne von Ritter
Human Ressources